German Finance Minister Critical of Greek Immigration Policies

Wolfgang Schaeuble, Germany’s minister of finance, blasted Greece, saying that Athens has been ignoring EU agreements known as the Dublin rules which dictate how EU countries must deal with refugees. Those rules oblige migrants to formally request asylum in the EU in the actual country they enter first.

Schaeuble said that Germany has been forced to ignore the Dublin rules as well, refusing to send refugees back to Greece as the rules dictate, since German courts have decided that Greece does not treat refugees humanly.

Greece has been criticized before for the way they deal with the flood of immigrants to their borders. Other EU countries have declared that Greece does not do what needs to be done to manage the huge flow of hundreds of thousands people fleeing their home countries looking for shelter in Europe.

Germany has been accepting many of the hundreds of thousands of refugees and providing them with many basic necessities. The finance minister said he is planning to increase German aid for the refugees, hoping to go from 0.43 percent of Germany’s GDP up to 0.7 percent for development aid.

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